one: having all of my sisters here this weekend.
two: the amazing weather on saturday. we went to the portland saturday market and i loved feeling the sun on my face.
three: the beautiful great dane i saw at the market. my dream dog!
four: watching girls just want to have fun with my girls. cheese bomb but oh so good.

photo from
five: ebelskivers. tried the frozen ones from trader joe's and now i want to buy my own pan so i can make all different flavors.

photo from williams sonoma
six: settling into a really good book.
seven: getting out of class two hours early because it was our last night. i love getting home before dark!
. . . and 3 that didn't.
one: seeing so many beautiful things at j.crew while easter dress shopping but none in my size. wish list!
two: the enormous drops of rain as i left church. in my easter outfit. seriously?
three: not getting to see african cats on earth day. but at least i didn't let my car idle.
I have that ebelskevier from Williams Sonomia - it's the best, I've tried jam, peanut butter, you name it - as a filling - YUM!!
I have an ebelskevier pan! I've been making them for years...I also have a chocolate ebelskevier mix (and fill them with nutella). We should make them together soon!
remember when we watched girls just want to have fun in heather cove?? that was my first time and i'm not gonna lie--i really loved it :)
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