one: on my flight home, we stopped in boise and half of the plane got off. then i had a whole row to myself. perfect for my minor freakout during the descent.
two: the lovely baby shower i attended on saturday. on the hottest day of the year since september. gorgeous.
three: running in my very first organized race, the starlight run. it wasn't easy, and i thought i was going to die from the stitch in my side, but i ran through the finish line. loved seeing all of the friendly faces from the sidelines cheering me [and dad and sister] on.
four: my post-run bath. guys, i'm so not a bath person, mostly because i don't have the patience to wait for one to fill up and then i don't know what to do once i get in, but it was sooo good. i get it now.
five: this video. i'm still not tired of this song or this lady.
six: this gem from pinterest. love it.

seven: catching up on all my tv season finales before my favorite summer shows come back.
. . . and 3 that didn't
one: being woefully unprepared for my first 5K. at least now i know how much more work i have to do before i'm ready for hood-to-coast.
two: every part of my body hurts. except my arms. at least now i can lift my right leg up all the way. totally couldn't this morning.
three: coming back to regular life after the best weekend away ever. it is so much better to wake up on my own then to an alarm. phooey.
congratulations on your first race! hope your soreness goes away and i'm convinced that waking up to an alarm is the worst feeling in the world :)
My friend posted that Adele video months ago on her blog and I have listened to it probably 50 times since then. So good!
i've been thinking about opening an account with pinterest but i'm anti that it accesses my fb info.
you are running hood to coast?!?!
adele. i would like a side of her for breakfast daily. love.
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