Parks and Recreation: affectionately referred to a p.rex around here, this underdog of a show is quirky and definitely an acquired taste. it got off to a rocky start in the first season, and i'll admit, i pretty much hated it. but i gave it a second chance and it was so great in 2010. amy poehler is a comedic genius in my opinion, and makes this show shine. the cast is all so great and so weird but it worked. favorite scene? the office hunting trip and leslie's excuses for accidentally shooting ron. they're back january 20th and you should watch for sure.

The Glades: probably nobody else watched this show, especially since it premiered during the summer of cop shows [rizzoli & isles, memphis beat, rookie blue, and southland, to name a few], but this was definitely my favorite. i loved the main character and his unusual approach to police work, the interesting storylines, and a great supporting cast. i watch a lot of crime/police procedurals and it was great to have a fun, different take on the genre.

LOST: whatever you thought of the ending, this was such a great show and one of the best things on last year. i loved the ride and am still thinking about those stories. i loved seeing everyone's paths meet towards the end and seeing old friends like boone (now on one of my new favorites, scroll down to see!), charlie, charlotte, and faraday, wondering if i could cry any harder watching charlie and claire reunited. i am so sad that it's done, but also really glad i can watch it over and over. also: daniel dae kim on hawaii 5-0 is a nice consolation.

Greek: last year was the first time i got to watch greek live on tv because i'd watched the first couple on dvd. what a great season. i love that the characters are getting older and dealing with things that come with growing up--relationships, careers, expectations, self-discovery--in a funny, heartwarming way. the final season just started and i can't wait to see how everyone's story ends.

Project Runway: i'm still fairly new to this show, but these guys made this season great tv. this is a reality show that i feel good about watching. proud of fellow portlander gretchen, she really needed that win, but mondo, in my book, you're a true winner.

Psych: i love everything that USA does but psych will always be my favorite. after 5 years, the writing is still funny, i love the characters more than ever, and shawn's finally growing up.

Modern Family: i don't know how they do it, but this might be the funniest show on tv. i have spent many episodes crying on the floor from laughing so hard and can't wait to see what they come up with next.

Hawaii 5-0: maybe my favorite new show of 2010. dynamic characters, interesting story lines, and beautiful scenery? winner.
law and order: svu: my first and favorite cop drama was excellent last year. how they are still coming up with new and interesting storylines, i do not know. they've started off this newest season with a bunch of great guest stars, including an amazing performance from jennifer love hewitt [which has redeemed her in my eyes from that horrible audrey hepburn biopic].
honorable mentions: the mentalist, criminal minds, csi:ny, and lie to me

Friday Night Lights: they just don't make tv shows like this very often. i always feel like i'm intruding on real people's lives when i watch FNL, but in a good way. the last season is airing on direct tv now and will be on nbc in the spring. i'm not sure what i'll do when this show is gone. i'll miss these guys.

Community: i didn't love this show at the beginning, but they really stepped it up in 2010. troy and abed can say anything and make it absurdly funny, and allison brie (of mad men!) is genius as uptight annie. favorite scene of the year? the quadruple-double-cross with the prop guns. watched that scene over and over until i couldn't breathe. love that.

Vampire Diaries: i know, i know. but seriously? this show is so good. drama, suspense, love triangles, flashbacks, vampires, and werewolves. not convinced yet? watch a bit of nina dobrev playing sweet, quiet elena and in the same scene, switch to the manipulative, lying, cruel, not-to-mention undead vampire katherine and then tell me you're not hooked. p.s. boone from lost!
what did you watch in 2010? what are you excited for in 2011?
Totally agree with your comments on Parks & Recs. I also didn't care for it in the beginning, but it grew on me and now I love the characters. I also love Modern Family and Project Runway (although Mondo should have won!!). In those same veins, I also love The Middle and Top Chef. Actually, I prefer Top Chef to Project Runway. Padma is a much better host than often irritating Heidi, and I think Tom Collichio is a WAAYY better head judge than Michael Kors. Too bad you can't taste the food, though! One of my goals for my summer New York trip is eating at Tom Collichio's restaurant, Craft. Or at least his sandwich shop, Wichcraft.
We love love love Modern Family. Ben loves Community, I'm medium on it. I love shows like The Mentalist and The Closer, Covert Affairs, and one other show that I'm blanking on. The series finale was last week and it was two hours long. Hmmmm. I'm going to check out Hawaii Five-O.
30rock is our fave, although i really love community. and modern family of course!
OH how my list completely resembles yours... i will have to retry the Parks & Rec... I do have a problem giving it the second chance sometimes, but if you say so.... PR and Modern Family... Community... Psych?! I wish we lived closer so we could have tv parties... only i guess i wont have as much time soon.... miss your face- thanks for the updates!
thanks for the set up offer...but my cousin jae lives here in SF, actually. :( maybe some time if she visits!
this is the best idea! i'm totally stealing it next year, okay?
modern family and project runway tied for first for my favorite shows last year. and i've had so many people say they love community/parks i really need to watch them! i really love svu but it scares me so bad i can't watch it. i'm a really big baby.
also lets talk about how jealous i am that you live in oregon.
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